To see


Bring Life

In every Community

Experience the Love of Jesus

Whether you have been looking for God or not, He loves you and wants an authentic relationship with you. We don't have to look far to see the brokeness in this world. God's desire for you in Jesus is to see the brokenness restored and wholeness brought into your life. 

Gain a  


vision for your life 

You were created for a purpose and we want to help you find your true north as you seek Jesus

Build positive friendships

We're told that God sets the lonely in families (Psalm 68:6) and that God is working to unite all things under Christ (Ephesians 1:10). When we are living out our clear vision for our life, God puts people around us who are aligned with where God is taking us. 

Become a spiritual leader for your community

We believe you can lead your family, friends and neighbors to know and experience God. We want to help you know and live in your identity, so you can help others do the same. 


Our goal is to equip people to experience Jesus and help others do the same. We do that through discovering God through the bible and leading your community to do the same.